We Did It! Corps Foundation Wins Legislative Victories!
After four years of concerted effort The Corps Foundation calls a “win” in the recently enacted 2024 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA)! The legislative agenda developed with the help of non-profit and corporate partners, built a multi-faceted and dynamic outreach to Senators and Congressional representatives that sit on Sub-Committees responsible for budget and authorities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
Here are the highlights:
- Volunteers– allows USACE to use appropriated funds to honor the thousands of volunteers that devote their time, expertise and passion for their local lakes.
- Cooperative Joint Management Authority – Extends authority to non-profit partners to enter into Cooperative Joint Management agreements with local projects for providing recreation services.
- Fee Retention – Authorizes up to 80% of recreation fees paid by public users to be returned to the project where the fees were collected.
Many thanks for the support of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers leadership, the National Marine Manufacturers Association, the Public Lands Alliance, Southeast Tourism Society, the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable and our many other nonprofit and corporate partners for including our advocacy goals in their annual legislative outreach agendas.
Thank you to all our Corps Foundation members and supporters that reached out to their elected representatives to pass this legislation!
Your tax-exempt donations make a difference!